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Rolanberry sauce accompanied with chopped and hulled strawberries and raspberries, frozen cherries, blended with sugar and lemon juice.

Crust provided with melted butter, sugar and graham crackers to hold the delicious shape that keeps the vanilla and cheesy sweetness at bay for your tastebuds. 


-Iroha Yamauchi


Our most complex dessert comes from a recipe provided by the cold winds of Ilsabard. A garlean sweet that is favored by the red. Sugar, butter and egg yolks and whites combined gently, warmed, and preheated to get it’s recognizable color and cooled within aether provided coolers.

Topped with tablespoons of sugar and added with fresh berries of your choice.
-Ethan McAllister

A chilled confectionary cheesecake curiosity consistently curated chaotically, coveted cleanly concisely. 


A delightful cheesecake crafted using curated milk from a distant island far out in the Cieldalaes, a compote of an exorbitant amount of juice extracted from a coveted set of Rolanberries, Snurbleberries, a handful of handpicked Splendid Wildberries, and oddly enough O'Ghomoro berries. All topped off with lightly drizzled Isleberry Jam. 


A confectionary concoction with a wildly varying degree of tastes to delight or dismay, a favored treat of a certain magus' familiar.

-Y'salle Lorengrove

© The Silver Steel Rest
A Crystal - Balmung RP Venue.

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